Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Word of God is There for Every Life Situation!

Choice 1 Phil 1-4
-arguing over petty matters in church: 
We need to look to others with the mindset that we have a lot to learn from them, which we do. Just strive to be humble and to handle matters with the other person in mind. We need to have a good attitude and not murmur or argue with others or about others. (phil 2:1-8, 14-15)
-relying on parents, or others, testimonies: 
We need to learn to do things on our own because there is going to come a time when we are going to have to ask ourselves why we do these things and our parents won’t be there with the answer. Blind obedience is never good; we need to obey without murmuring and that means knowing and believing why we are obeying. (phil 2:12-15)
-converting and losing your family: 
We need to look to the future, look to Christ, it will hurt now but life on this earth is so short and God will be with us if we choose him. Christ can help us through anything, he is also our family. (Phil 3:7-16, 4:13)
- 2 Nephi 32:3 
this assignment proves that in any situation the words of Christ can tell you what to do, and help you find direction in your life in the right way.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Romans 1 The Gospel of Christ is the Power of God unto Salvation

This is what i studied this week in my online religion class in the New Testament!

1.       Christ is both the Son of God and the son of David he was born through God through the seed of David. Being born through both he reigns in the Heavens and on Earth meaning that he can rule and reign anywhere at all times in heaven and Earth. It was essential for Christ to be both mortal and immortal because he needed to be able to choose to give his life for the sins of the world. If he was completely mortal someone could have killed him at any time, there needed to be a conscious and willing sacrifice.
2.       It seems that Paul is very black and white concerning the gospel. He doesn’t have any room for excuses regarding unrighteousness, he is proud to stand up for his Lord.
-I think that just by living the gospel standards in today’s world and not being ashamed to do so even though it’s not “cool” or not what everyone around you may be doing. A good example can never be underestimated. Also to know why we live this way and to not say my church makes me but to stand up and be confident in the gospel.
3.       Peoples sins (there are many more listed in Romans 1:21-32)
a.       Ungratefulness
b.      Vain
c.       Corrupted the image of God
d.      Unchaste
e.      Unclean
f.        Lies
g.       False idols
h.      Unnatural
i.         Fornication
j.        Covetousness
k.       Murder
l.         Pride
m.    All possible bad things
All these sins are a problem today, they commit them because it brings worldly pleasures, and they are too lazy to change and take the better path.

-to serve the creature more than the creator means to worship false idols and to have things of the world that mean more to us than God does who created us and therefore created all things on the Earth.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


I talked with a friend about the gifts of the spirit and how we all have different gifts. We talked about how it is so amazing that we can all be so different and use our gifts to help others and that we all need each other and our many talents. No gift is greater than another (except charity) and we can all strive to get more gifts as long as we are keeping the commandments and serving others the Lord will bless us.

-1 Cor 12:13-22 has a great analogy to make people feel needed in the church in any calling. It talks about how without an eye or a finger or a foot the body is not whole, every part of the body is in need of the other. As a church we need everyone to be whole like the Lord would want us to be. D&C just restates the same thing, so it is true and very important for us to grasp.

-Paul says he has nothing without the gift of charity

-charity is:
>long suffering
>rejoices in truth
>beareth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things
>never faileth

-charity is not:
>having all the other gifts
>giving just to give

-I need to work on not being provoked and prideful I should also work on being more kind for the sake of others not for selfish gain.

-in 1 Cor 14 it talks about the gift of tongues and how it is a special gift that only happens in certain situations that need it. Not everyone receives this gift and not everyone needs it. Some people think that the gift of tongues goes on at the MTC but that is just the gift of learning and understanding. The gift of tongues is when someone can “randomly” understand or speak a language they do not know or have not learned at all.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Learning in the Scriptures!

Acts 10: 18-35 Peter's vision and the Holy Ghost

When Peter clearly understood the vision he had about helping someone and coming to their aid when the spirit told them to he said “Of a truth I perceive that God is no Respector of persons.” When they say that God is no respector of persons it means that no one is better than anyone else, God treats each of his children equally and loves them all the same. The Holy Ghost helped the Jewish saints at that time learn that everyone is able to receive the Lord’s blessings by sending them one of his main prophets so they could see that the Lord has time for them as well.